Ora™ (Optiwave™ Refractive Analysis) and VerifEye+™ technology are the future of cataract surgery. This advanced system can provide measurements of your eye during surgery to assess the quality of your vision and improve the accuracy of your cataract treatment. In the past, cataract surgeons had to rely on lens measurements taken before your cataract surgery to determine the size of your new lens. Now, Ora™ and VerifEye+™ combine to provide more accurate measurements during your cataract surgery, allowing your eye surgeon to place an artificial lens that best fits the dimensions of your eye. Ora™ offers unparalleled precision and can help achieve optimal cataract surgery results.
Immediately following the removal of your cataract, the Ora™ system & VerifEye+™ use advanced laser technology to direct a beam of light into your eye. This light beam is reflected from the retina back through the eye, producing a wave front image that the Ora™ system can then analyze. The Ora™ system uses a variety of tools and algorithms to analyze the wave front image and provide refractive information, as well as measurements. This information is then displayed on the Ora™ system's monitor in real time for your eye surgeon to see. Ora™ and VerifEye+™ take various optical measurements to determine the necessary lens power for each patient.
Before your cataract surgery, any patient information provided during the pre-surgery consultation is transferred to the Ora™ system; this information is then combined with additional Ora™ measurements taken during your cataract surgery.
During surgery, Ora™ will measure the refractive power of the eye, as well as the dimensions of the eye, in order to determine the proper size for your intraocular lens.
Following your cataract surgery, all of the information captured by the Ora™ system throughout the entire treatment process is combined for future procedures.
Ora™ helps guide decision making for eye surgeons. Data from the Ora™ system and VerifEye+™ can validate and confirm the specifics of your cataract surgery. Additionally, these measurements can finalize the choice and placement of your new lens. Traditionally, the measurements of your new lens implant are taken in preparation for your procedure (before your cataract has been removed). By providing immediate measurements of your lens implant after the cataract is removed, Ora™ enables your eye specialist to refine any lens measurements for an ideal fit. Ora™ and VerifEye+™ can provide information that may have been missed before the operation. Ora™ is also able to detect the presence of corneal astigmatism during your cataract surgery.
Ora™ & VerifEye+™ Can:
To learn more about Ora™ and VerifEye+™, contact our San Mateo office at 650.342.4595 or request an appointment today.